New Stagers' members dusted off their dinner jackets and posh frocks for an exciting night out at the biennial New Stagers Awards Dinner, held on Saturday 14 September 2013.
The event, hosted by smooth-talking MC, Jason Marchant, celebrated the best of the group over the last two years. Â Thanks go to Becca Stafford and Ian Pring for their sterling efforts in organising the event, and the staff of the Brewer's Inn for great food and hospitality.
Main Awards
These awards were the result of nominations and votes by the whole group.
Best play - Kindertransport Best director - Ian Pring Best actor - Jason Marchant Best actress - Stephanie Gaydon Best supporting actor - Richard Allport and Owen Sawford Best supporting actress - Amanda Clarke Best newcomer - Katie Bryan Most memorable character - Laura Martin Best costume - She Stoops to Conquer Best set - An Inspector Calls Best technical - Cinderella
MC Awards 'The absolute star award' for outstanding contribution - Amanda Clarke 'The Google award' for website redesign - Ashley Malster, Julia Coleman, Veronica Montalbetti 'The Banger & Screwer award' for services to set building - Richard Allport 'The oh yes it is award' for services to pantomime - Paul Johnson and Keith Barnes 'The Dramatic Personae award' for programme and poster design - Vanessa Marchant and John Duke 'The last man standing award' for services to parties - Pat Driver 'The reply all award' for services to oversharing  - Ian Pring