Why not sign up for our next improv workshop?! You don’t need any drama, acting, comedy or improv experience whatsoever. You don’t have to be clever, fast or funny either!
Improv is about working together as a team with other improvisers to spontaneously create group stories, scenes & sketches.
We'll be working our way through improv with lots of activities centered around spontaneity, confidence, creativity, commitment, listening, 'Yes And', collaboration, character, support, teamwork, scenes, games, story and most of all playing and having fun with improvisation!
Event Details
Date: Saturday 12th February
Time: 11:00 - 13:00
Venue: St Anne's Church Hall, 182 St Anne's Hill, London SW18 2RS
Cost: £3 - payable by card on the door
Make sure you register by clicking below. Sign up > Looking forward to seeing you there!