Shelagh Stephenson's poignant comedy, "The Memory of Water," brings us the story of three sisters, Mary, Catherine, and Teresa, reunited at their recently deceased mother's home. But beneath the surface of shared memories and familial bonds lie secrets, regrets, and the complexities of sisterhood. Let's meet the talented cast who will be bringing these characters to life:
Catherine, played by Ciara Hackett: The youngest sister, Catherine, is the free spirit of the family. Optimistic and bubbly, she often acts as the mediator, but a hidden truth of her own could strain the fragile family dynamic.
Mary, played by Imogen Gibb: The middle child, Mary, is a doctor with a seemingly perfect life. However, a hidden affair and a long-held secret threaten to shatter her carefully constructed world.
Teresa, played by Veronica Montalbetti: The eldest sister, Teresa, is known for her practicality and dry wit. Yet, beneath her no-nonsense exterior lies a yearning for connection and a touch of unresolved grief.
Vi, played by Chiara Vascotto: The recently deceased mother, whose presence is felt throughout the play.
Frank, played by Rob Walford: Teresa's husband, trapped in job he despises he seeks a change in direction.
Mike, played by Fergus Rees: Mary's married lover, whose presence throws her life into disarray.
As these characters navigate grief, love, and the complexities of family, "The Memory of Water" promises a heartwarming, funny and thought-provoking theatrical experience. Don't miss your chance to see this exceptional cast bring Shelagh Stephenson's masterpiece to life!
"The Memory of Water" plays from 24 - 27 April in St Anne's Church Hall, SW11 2RS.